
Name Ashique Ali
Email ashiquealikmvkd@gmial.com
Designation MERN stack web developer
Experience 6 Months
Contact +91 8943426911
Resume Resume.pdf

My Experience.

8, Nov 2016

Bachelor Degree in B.sc computer science

Sullamusalam science college Areekode

I completed my degree in bsc computer science in 2020.Sullamusalam science college areekode is a college under calicut universit

8, Nov 2016

Completed a course in MERN stack development


The course is a taught by the lead instructor at the App Brewery, London's leading in-person programming bootcamp.

8, Nov 2016

Higher secondary School Education

G.H.S.S vazhakkad

I completed my +2 in 2017.I studied computer science.


Currently Working, SPS training institute

School of Practical Studies (SPS) helps the young Indian generation who had benefited nothing from our country’s poor education system by providing an intensive industry relevant training on the leading software technologies.

Ecommerse spotshub website

Built an e-commerce web app.An online shopping site for sports items.
Technologies used : Express,Nodejs,MongoDB.
API : Paypal,Razorpay.
Hosting : Aws cloud,Nginx

About Me.

I am Ashique Ali.Basically I am from kerala.I completed my degree in bsc computer science in 2020 and after that I done project of Ecommerse platform using mongodb,express,nodejs. Currently I'm working on job portal web site Technologies using for this project is react,nodejs,express,mongodb

My Services.

Web Design

web Development

Clean Code

Full Support

HTML5 Design

CSS3 Design

Contact Me.